FrameForge Studio Shop
We're thrilled you're considering FrameForge Studio. It's a decision you absolutely won't regret, and we have a 30 day money-back guarantee to ensure that!
Professional Edition
Physical Camera Equipment including cranes, tripods, dollies & tracks, heads, high hats, techno cranes and more
FrameForge Studio comes in two versions: Core & Pro Editions
Both give you an optically accurate virtual film studio with fully customizable actors and objects that "know" how to work together.
Depth of Field with dynamic focusing
Individually Controllable Lighting Instruments and the ability to have multiple, user controllable light sources on set, all with real-time overlapping shadows
True Mirrored Reflections
Shooting and Storyboard Orders for your boards, so you can reorder your frames for the optimal shooting order, while still maintaining your original script order.
Far more than we can fit here!
Core Edition
Gives you all the functionality of the Core Edition, then adds a host of features and capabilities to even more accurately mimic a professional shoot.
The Core Edition starts with optically accurate floating cameras that can match the optical properties of any camera, whether currently in existence or released in the future
Location Builder lets you easily build any set, either free-hand with exact measurements, or by simply tracing a blueprint or set design
Drag'n'Drop Smart Object Library with objects that "know" how to interact with each other so if you drag an actor to a chair, they'll sit; drag a cup into their hand, they'll grab it and so on.
Real-World Angles let you see your frames from high angles, low angles or anywhere in between without forced perspective or other drawing tricks
Easy Shot Modification allows you to go back into any shot and change its angle or framing, making revisions so easy, it will encourage you to find better shots, not the first workable ones
Export your boards in virtually any layout with a variety of information, including not only what the camera will see, but ALSO the detailed camera data, including position on set, focal length, camera height etc. in order to get that shot.

The best gets even better, with more of the professional functionality you want & need
Game-Changing Previs & Storyboarding Software
for low-budget & Indies
Auto-calculation of the Sun's Position based on the location of your shoot anywhere in the world, and your specified date & time including reports of Sunrise, Midday & Sunset times
Elevate your storyboarding with FrameForge® Studio.
© 2024-25 Innoventive Software * All Rights Reserved
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